Episode S3:19: Steve Kennedy

Steve Kennedy, Director, Helping Our Returning Neighbors

Listen, Love, Engage
— Steve Kennedy

As a child of adoption, Steve Kennedy can relate to the struggle to “fit in”, feel wanted and adapt to life changing situations. Taken from his biological family as a baby, Steve was put in ten different foster homes during his time at the orphanage, until finally being adopted at age two. A few years later, his new Dad was killed in a train/car accident. His bereaved Mom eventually remarried, then divorced, leaving Steve without a father once again. He looked to other men for positive influence, and his peers who were from both sides of the track, affluent and non-affluent, learning and growing from the relationships.

Steve’s upbringing taught him perseverance and the ability to overcome obstacles, but more importantly, it gave him the heart to help others struggling to adapt, which has led to his current role as director of Helping Our Returning Neighbors, a Christian based non-profit that assists the previously incarcerated in southwest Florida re-enter our communities for a positive outcome.

Living in the Gulf Coast area of Florida since 1980, Steve has owned service-related businesses, but has always strived to contribute to the community and his church. Some of these past accomplishments include Advising Board member for Englewood Big Brothers/Big Sisters, President of Englewood Kiwanis, President of Englewood United Methodist Men, Advanced Training at Wheaton College/Billy Graham Center for Healing the Trauma of The Incarcerated to become a facilitator, President of United Methodist Men in Southwest Florida, President of Missions for Wesley Brotherhood of Florida, Florida UMC Conference Jail & Prison committee, and Chair of Kairos Prison Ministry Ad Council at Moorehaven Correctional.

Although Steve grew up without an earthly father, he strongly believes it was His Heavenly Father’s plan to equip him with the gifts and experiences necessary to understand the importance of modeling and mentoring to those whose lives have been impacted by trauma, poor choices, and life changing circumstances. After going into the prisons and working many Kairos weekends, Steve developed a heart for prison ministry. Helping Our Returning Neighbors, a 501(c)3 founded in November of 2020, became his passion. The ministry provides immediate needs such as food, clothing, toiletries, counseling, and transportation, assists with housing needs, and provides mentoring with life skills, job training, and job placement. Steve is actively working with many local entities such as Charlotte Correctional, Department of Corrections, the Homeless Coalition, SCORE, Career Source, City of North Port, United Way, several local churches and Chamber of Commerce to support and promote the ministry, with a future goal of adequate funds to provide housing.


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